Copy/Paste goals and programs

Copy/Paste goals and programs

Copy/Paste goals and programs ABA-assistant offers the possibility of copying goals and programs to paste them into another folder. This allows you to quickly duplicate goals (with all associated programs) or your programs to paste them into another folder and then...
Copy/Paste goals and programs


Duration   Duration is a basic measure in ABA.It makes it possible to follow the evolution of the time to engage in the target behavior (or of several) and the mean time per occurence. By defining a program taking the duration in ABA-assistant, you will have...
Copy/Paste goals and programs


Frequency Frequency is a basic measure in ABA.It makes it possible to follow the evolution of the number of occurrences of a target behavior or of several. By defining a program taking only the frequency in ABA-assistant, you will have access: frequency emission...
Copy/Paste goals and programs

By the forum

By the forum ABA-assistant offers several solutions to communicate more simply. One of these solutions, available to professionals, is the use of the general forum of the folder and program-specific forums. To use the general forum of the folder, you must go to the...